Welcome to Christicommunity
Thank you for visiting with this global missions community. We look forward to getting to know you and for the Lord to work in your life as believers partner together for the cause of Christ.
What is Christicommunity?
This picture with many great believers of history that we admire (along with our leadership team), highlights who we are as we travel in a line with Christ centered believers who confessed and taught the fundamental evangelical truths of Christ Jesus as defined by the historic, conservative, and faithful community of Christ. That does not mean some diversity does not exist in this community of believers. Healthy and honorable differences exist while at the same time great unity exists on the fundamentals of the faith. In the fundamentals of the faith, Christicommunity stands without reservation on those truths and will defend those against liberalism and unorthodox views.
Our Passion, Mission, & Vision
Christicommunityis a global missions movement led by a team of international ministers from America, Africa, and Asia. Our passion is to communicate Christ for community. Our mission is to educate, evangelize, and encourage Christlike discipleship. Our vision is for Christlike Christians to collectively cooperate for the Great Commission.
Christicommunity has churches, ministers, and schools in America, Asia, and Africa with plans for more in the future. We hope you will pray and partner with us as we communicate Christ around the world.
The word Christicommunity itself describes the passion, mission, and vision. Three words exist in Christicommunity: Christ-I-Community. This ministry focuses on Christ as Prophet, Priest, Lord, and King. It calls for the “I” (you, me, us collectively) to function between Christ and our respective community as the Lord’s ambassadors, Christ’s witnesses (see 2 Cor. 5:20), in our local, regional, and global spheres (see Acts 1:8). As a local, regional, national, and global educational (teaching-coaching-discipleship) ministry we partner with and within a local church as we also partner with other conservatives and ministries for Christlike discipleship.
What Does Christicommunity Believe?
If you are a Bible believing, God honoring, Christ loving, Spirit led believer who loves your neighbor then you will find a wonderful home in the Christicommunity family. The link below will highlight the historic, orthodox, and conservative views confessed by Christicommunity. We rejoice that in a day when liberalism has spread wide and far around the world that Christicommunity stands within a true faith where godly believers can associate and partner with one another while at the same time avoiding schismatic legalism too that harms community association. You can read our confession of faith here: /Confession